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Monday, October 30, 2017

Influence, plain and simple

I was recently challenged to find what God has gifted me with to influence others.  Let me give you some context.  When I was smacked in the face with this truth bomb we were discussing leading worship.  We began to list things that happen during worship.  We come into His presence.  We create excitement.  We help to make church a fun place to be.  we have an audience of one.  We lay all things at His heavenly feet.  We lift all praise to God.  Then the comment that froze me in my tracks... we become a conduit for God so that others may be ushered into His presence.   WOAH...  Such a huge responsibility.  I sat there and marinated on that for a moment.  While I sat stunned with the truth that God was prepping my heart to hear, I was also challenged to consider what others heard or I gave off when I helped to lead worship.  Was it soothing?  Was it strength?  Was it healing? Had I ever considered what God wanted to say through my act of of worship?  Often before I worship, I whisper a prayer.  It is the same one every time.  "Lord please do not let this messenger get in the way of your message today."  I pray this because I never want to distract someone from the message meant for them.  Today, during this moment of challenge, I have been pushed to better understand worship.  It is not just about the song, the instruments or the beat of the music.  It is about being open, hands open wide, in full surrender to God.  To project and connect to others so that they can connect and project their gifts to others as well.  It is a chain reaction.  While I know that I am talking about worship, I have also began considering the impact this would have in my daily walk.  If we walk in a constant state of worship, how better would our attitude be affected when dealing with everyday life and people.  Y'all this is heavy.  I in no way have my head wrapped around this but I would challenge you to consider what God has gifted you to use for His influence.  What do you believe is a strength you possess?  What would others say about you?  More importantly, what would God say about you?  Would He be pleased with how you treat others?  Would He be pleased with what you "thought" of others?  Would He see you as someone whose eyes are firmly looking for His, constantly searching on how to be His Conduit?  I challenge you to consider these things.  Even if it is as simple as praying that God would allow you to not just be a person of speech, but a person of Action.

"But the greatest of these is Love" 1 Corinthians 13:13

To thine self be true!!!!

Learning to love yourself can be a tough thing.  To say that you are important can be even harder.  If you are a mom, as am I, the need to put others ahead of yourself is a requirement.  With out that things will sometimes just plain fall apart.  But to say there is not time to give yourself is honestly (in my case especially) a cope out. 
     If you know me, you know that I STRUGGLE with my weight.  It consumes me.  It has high-jacked my mind and my daily life.  Not only has it done that, it is robbing me of a better quality of life.  I am definnelty that girl that will cry through an episode of the biggest loser while eating a bowl of icecream.  Watching the show is suppose to be a motivator, the ice cream always serves as a comforter for something that is spiriling out of control.  I stood in front of my mirror the other day and took a good hard look.  I was disgusted.  I was not only upset with what I saw but also what I had become.  I feel like I am disappearing.  The girl so full of energy, life and laughter was gone ...and in its place stood an angry, defeated, lazy child/adult who wasnt ready to take reponsibilites for her own actions....a person who wasn't mentally strong enough to say NO I deserve better.  To place insult upon injury I was discovering that I was not only suffering physically, I was damaging my spiritual life as well.  God loves us no matter what, but I believe He wants us to try to be the best physically that we can be.  When we arn't we may be limiting the extent to how He can use us.  (Less influence, less voice, less stamina to get the job done.)
     While attending Seminar this febuary, I was given the privialge to attend a session where Steven Furtik, Pastor of Elevation Church in Charllotte, NC, was the keynote educator.  He was speaking on his book "Sun stand Still".  In this book He discusses  about believeing in the power of trusting God to accomplish the impossible.  While He said many things that I could apply to my life, there is one that has stood out and I have not been able to forget.  He was explaining that often people ask God to change things in their lives but are not willing to do the work required....and then He went on to say this.  "If you pray for God to help you lose weight, don't eat donuts, GEt up and MOVE more."  After Steven said that I sat very still letting the sting of the words sink in.  This is not anything new.  I knew this very thing.  It was jsut not somewhere I was willing ( in that moment) to go.  We cannot expect God to help us if we are not going to help ourselves first.
     Which brings me to the "Jumping off" point.  Where to begin....For me to make a calculated effort, a lasting effort, I feel like I need to embrace the fact that I am worthy of living a full healthy life.  I have to love myself enough to not cop out.  To do the matter the effort it takes.  TO not talk myself out of every "good intention" I have planned for the day.  To have FOLLOW through.

So thought provoking question of the day....How do you begin to change areas in your life that you find disgusting?  Where do you start that will help you reach your goals?  What kind of things do you do daily to show yourself that you too are worthy of a fun filled, spiritually lead full life?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Some days Paleo SUCKS!

Yep I said it!  Paleo Sucks.  The first 17-19 days are horrible.  They are filled with headaches, sore muscles and constant mental battles.  It does not help that everywhere you look are delicious, yummy things that can distract you from your Paleo decidedness.  The beauty of Paleo happens past the  17 days of Haiti!    It brings clarity of mind, a sense of accomplishment and a flatter stomach (non-bloated stomach, which FYI can take up to 20 days to completely deflate. ).  For me it also comes in the form of a 10 pound weight loss.

I am human.  I make mistakes.  Recently my husband and I went on a business trip.  We packed for success with Paleo friendly snacks and a firm mindset.  I am here to tell you  I made A bunch of good choices.  Unfortunately I made some very bad ones as well.  The sugar detox I was 9 days into, was broken and I have once again returned to the beginning.  I am recommitting to the 90 days and pushing for success.  WHY ARE you doing this you ask?  It's simple.  The way I feel after I have completed the initial de-tox is amazing.  I feel like a different person.  And I AM WORTH it.  My kids deserve to have a full of life and adventure MOM.  I want to live life to the fullest.  So here are some goals I have set for myself.  You might think they are frivolous, but to me they are huge.  SO here they are.

1.  I will paddle board AND Sea Kayak by the end of the summer.
2.  I will be able to shop at the Gap or the Loft BY July 1.  (this is HUGE)
3.   By October 1st I will have calves small enough to wear tall boots.  :)
4.  I will be down another 50 pounds by July 1st.
5.  I will eat a salad FIRST before the rest of my dinner twice a day.
6.  I will eliminate BREAD and Pasta from my diet Completely again!  (sigh)
7.  Soda is a NO NO!  NO exceptions.  It is deadly toxic chemicals that reck havoc on your body!
8.  No more eating after 7:00 pm ---This is gonna be hard.  I am a late night Salty snacker.
9.  I will RUN/walk a 5k by the end of the summer
10.  I WILL hit my misfit shine goal 4 out of 7 days, (1500 points) and will hit 10000 steps a day.  Not MATTER what

Bonus Goal--- I will drink 8-8 ounce glasses of water a day!

IT's go time!    Let's do it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Paleo-days 2-3 ""Eating Out"

Hi Paleo Peeps.  I am writing you from the depths of detoxing hates!  The Detox stage for sugar takes anywhere from 17-30 days.  For me 17 days has been the magic number.  Things get easier.  Cravings stop.  Headaches disappear.  Energy abounds.  :)  I promise if you are considering this you have nothing to loose, but the unhealthy lifestyle that surrounds you on a daily basis!

My biggest struggle by far is food.  We have to eat to live.  (I sometimes live to eat.)  If you are like me and are an emotional eater, foods become a weapon we can punish ourselves with, disguised with promises of hope, reassurance and comfort.  Face it.  We eat when we are happy.  We eat when we are sad.  We eat when we are bored.  We eat to celebrate.  We cook and eat food when tragedy strikes.  There is no way to get around eating.  It is something we face 3-5 times a day, 7 days a week.  WHAT we choose to eat is the key.

I am a HUGE believer, (mind you this is my opinion),  that weight loss and Healthy living is composed of 4 things.  1)  Mental Strength-The choices we make and where our mind dwells.  2) What we eat.  (you cannot eat ice cream every night for dessert and expect to maintain a healthy life.) 3)  The amount of water you drink. (ONE of the very most important things, and often the most under-utilized.) 4)  The amount you move.  Heart beating movement that gets your heart rate up and takes you somewhere.

Of these 4 things, todays struggle was the choice of what I was going to eat while out and about.  Lunch time choices if not prepared for can be extremely difficult.  Today my husband took me to lunch at Moes'.  I was in a silent panic as I looked at the menu board.  (Paleo and eating out do not normally exist on the same plain!)  Not because there were not good choices to make, but the fact Mexican food is by far my very favorite food!  After repeating to myself over and over, (well silently chanting in my head), "You are worth Good decisions.  You do not want to derail everything you have done for the last 3 days.  You are worth a healthy life.  This you can control.  Make wise choices."  I took a deep breath and did ok.  I ordered a fish bowl double meat, NO BEANS OR RICE (ugh), lettuces, cucumbers, pico, black olives(YUM), guacamole (even more YUM), and jalapeƱos.  I chose to get NO chips, because I am not strong enough to resist, and I topped my heaping bowl with salsa verde.  Friends!!!! it was delicious!  I didn't miss the cheese, sour cream or other stuff.  MY entire meal was 280 calories.  AT MOES!  Good choices are out there.  If I can do it, you certainly can too!

Todays Steps =10,345
Devotion Done =  reading through "Breaking Free" By Beth Moore
Water = 45 ounces
Calories intake thus far (as of 5:15 pm) = 811

Pounds LOST - SIX!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

90 DAYS of Paleo!

I have decide to commit 90 days to Paleo living.  Why are you doing this you ask?  It is simple.  Last year I practiced a 90% Paleo lifestyle for about 4 months.  During this 4 month period I lost about 45 pounds.  I had more energy.  I didn't swell in my joints.  I never got headaches.  Due to having 2 surgeries and not being able to exercise, I fell off the train.  I fell into old habits and paid the ultimate price of gaining back 15 of the 45 pounds.  :(   It is time to regain control.  I need a plan.  So here goes.

What led you to Paleo?
  That is simple.  I was grossly unhealthy.  I needed to change.  I researched many different options and landed on Paleo.  It makes so much since to me.  It takes what the body can process the best and uses it as amplified fuel to work more efficiently and help your body normalize.  I had abused my body for so many years by filling it with unhealthy "quick" options.  Processed, refined, sugary foods that were ladened with MSG and high sodium counts, not to mention the unhealthy fats I was consuming.  It was a time to begin a new path.  The outcome, I can assure you is worth the initial struggle (or the detox stage.)  I am by NO means an expert.  I do not hold a degree as a dietician or nutritionist,  so I encourage you to explore and research  what exactly the Paleo Lifestyle is.  I will give tips and tricks that I have used during the "change over".  I have personally see the difference in my own life, but each person is different.

What is your purpose for this Blog?
    It is a form of accountability for getting back into the lifestyle that has brought me pain relief and wellness.  (Did you know that eating the wrong foods can cause your joints to swell? I didn't!)  I will daily or (every other day) post where I am at.  I will post my struggles and I will be honest about where I am falling!  The blog posts will not be long.  Just little snippets of victories and challenges.  I also hope to challenge others to choose something to make their lives better.  To choose health.  TO make the decision to stop complaining about their current health situation, but to do something about it.  (Let's face it, we all are tempted on a daily basis.  We all have things such as girl scout cookies, and ice cream and convenience foods to tempt us.  This is more about the choices that I am going to make, in the face of these temptations.)

So we begin!

Mission Statement:  To mentally prepare for battle every morning!  To make wise choices and recognize that it is important to MOVE everyday (at the very least 10,000 steps a day). To eat foods that will fuel my body, not send it into storage mode, and to recognize the choices I make are a sign of my mental strength.

How to accomplish the above:

--Make WEEKLY Menus and FOLLOWING it:  (I plan on eating more FRESH produce and making more than a week at a time might be wasteful, things might go bad before we can use it all)

--Prepackaging snacks and not allowing myself to get overly hungry.  (This is a danger zone and sets me up for failure)

--Spending un-disturbed time with the Lord everyday (preferably morning) at least for 15-30 minutes.

--Working out doing at least 45 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of weights 4 out of 7 days.

--MUST hit a minimum of 10,000 steps per day!

So what did you do today?

Today I worked out with a buddy!  She motivates and pushes me to be accountable.  We have an agreement that even if we are not going to go to the gym the next morning that we will encourage the other to go!

Workout: Eliptical -- 55 minutes.
                Weights -- Arms, back, and shoulders

Food: Breakfast:  Paleo Pancakes
          Lunch: Grilled Chicken Asian Salad from CFA, straight balsamic vinegar and EVOO, Mediterannian Sea salt and Pepper

Water-- 40 ounces

Steps taken (as of 2:30 pm) -- 11,596

Distanced walked -- 4.4 miles

This is it thus far.

Great Places to start when beginning the Paleo Journey:  Paleo for dummies and Paleo for dummies cookbook.  I kid you not.  I love them.  I first got them at the library and enjoyed their no fuss definitions so much I bought a paperback copy of each, off of Amazon for around $7.00 each.  (they were lightly used)

Wish me LUCK!  I plan on making 2015 a year of fresh starts, new journeys and BIG accomplishments!  Want to follow my progress?  you can do it here or send me a friend request on the My fitness Pal app.   (laurel757) Let's encourage each other!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Yep, it has been a while... A long while... I have watched friends around me blog and stop, blog and stop, blog and stop.  I was questioned a while back as to the why I had stopped, and I replied with, "I haven't stopped, I still write them in my head, and when I feel I have something worthwhile enough to share then I will."  It  would be a lie, if I said, I didn't want to be very sure of not over spewing my life ups and downs all over cyber space, for all eternity to relive.  People abuse this private privilege far to freely.  Once the words are released, they remain forever.
Over the past few years, (cough, cough, yes I am aware it has been that long), life has had many turns and bends. A big move, to a new place, with new adventures and responsibilities. A new store,  New friends, new people, and new opinions...all of which have challenged and grown me.  Life seems to have gotten busier, not quieter, and I would be remised if I didn't confess that balance does not come naturally for me.  Our lives seem to be jam packed with activities and commitments.  In my younger days, I was happiest when I was going Mock-80 with my hair on fire.  Involvement everywhere. I could spin plates in any direction and meet my own needs, and of those close to me!   Now that I am rounding the other end of 30, I find plates crashing down around me or wobbling precariously.  I have found that my happiness is interrupted by that same Mock-80 personality! What has changed, you ask?  Life...and its demands.  It is easy to become over committed and let life begin to steer my course.  When  the weight of things get heavy, I try to remember My happiness is more centered in my child's success, my husbands victories and the cultivation of my own hobbies, my sweet spots.  Not what others believe I should be doing in that moment.  How do I stop the spinning?   What draws me to balance the most? The answer is simple..  My creator..My constant..My hiding place.  In Him I can be who I was meant to be, free of Opinion, free of Judgment, and Free of conformity.  In Him, I find a tether that allows me to steady myself once again.  I find that if I start to spiral, I need to make sure I am, 1) finding quiet time with Him, 2) spending time in prayer, focused on God's desires from me, and 3)  reviewing my current commitments and weighing them against balance and over-commitment.  I believe that God is most happy when I am following His will, not trying to write my own stories...

So thought provoking question...How do you stop the spinning?  What centers you most?  What brings you into the center most part of your happiness bubble?  What tethers you there when the wind blows? Do you have a evacuation plan to keep you from spiraling out of control?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011